ພໍ່ກັບລູກຊາຍໄວຊອນບ່າວ ພາກັນນັ່ງຢູ່ຮ້ານເບຍແຄມນ້ຳ.
ຜູ້ພໍ່ດື່ມເບຍ ທັງເຕືອນລູກຊາຍບໍ່ໃຫ້ຫຼົງໄຫຼໃນອະບາຍະມຸກ.
“ຢ່າດື່ມໂພດໄປເນີລູກເນີ. ສຸພາບບຸລຸດແທ້ ຕ້ອງຮູ້ວ່າດື່ມຂະໜາດໃດຄວນພໍ, ການດື່ມຈົນໃຫ້ເມົານັ້ນ ເປັນເລື່ອງອັບອາຍຂາຍໜ້າ”.
“ລູກເຂົ້າໃຈແລ້ວພໍ່, ແຕ່ຊິຮູ້ໄດ້ແນວໃດວ່າ ເວລາໃດຕົນດື່ມໃນລະດັບພໍດີ ຫຼື ດື່ມຈົນເມົາ ?”
ຊາຍອາຍຸສູງ ຍົກນິ້ວຂຶ້ນຊີ້ “ລູກເຫັນບໍລະ ຊາຍສອງຄົນນັ່ງຢູ່ແຈຫັ້ນ? ແຕ່ເມື່ອໃດລູກແນມເຫັນພວກເຂົາກາຍເປັນສີ່ຄົນ ແລ້ວລູກຈະຕ້ອງຮູ້ໂລດວ່າລູກເມົາແລ້ວ”.
“ເຂົ້າໃຈ… ພໍ່, ແຕ່….. ແຕ່.. ນັ່ງຢູ່ແຈຫັ້ນ ມີຜູ້ຊາຍພຽງຄົນດຽວເທົ່ານັ້ນເອງ ! “.

A father and his young son were seated in the river bank beer bar.
The father had drunk beer and was warning his son against the evils of intemperance.
“Never drink too much, my son. A gentleman stops when he has enough. To be drunk is a disgrace”.
“Yes, father, but how can I tell when I have
enough or I am drunk?”
The old man pointed with his finger: “Do you see those two men sitting in the corner? If you saw four men there, you would know that you were drunk”.
“Yes, father, but… but… there is only one man in that corner”.