Location of the National Assembly
The National Assembly is the representative of the rights, powers and interests of the multi-ethnic people. The National Assembly is also the legislative branch that has the right to make decisions on fundamental issues of the country, [and] to oversee the activities of the executive organs, the people’s courts and the Office of the Public Prosecutor.
Rights and Duties of the National Assembly
The National Assembly has the role of approving the Constitution and laws, deciding on the fundamental issues of the nation and overseeing the observance and implementation of the Constitution and laws of state agencies.
Rights and Duties of the National Assembly
1. To prepare, adopt or amend the Constitution;
2. To consider, adopt, amend or abrogate the laws;
3. To consider and adopt the determination, amendment or abrogation of duties and taxes;
4. To consider and adopt government report on the implementation of the socio-economic development and the State budget;
5. To elect or remove the President, the Vice-President and members of the National Assembly Standing Committee, to establish or dissolve the committees of the National Assembly, to elect or remove the chairmen of the committees, the Director of the Cabinet of the National Assembly, vice-chairmen of the committees of the National Assembly, [and to] establish or dissolve the International Parliamentary Committee of the National Assembly based on the recommendation of the National Assembly Standing Committee;
6. To elect or remove the President and Vice-President of the State based on the recommendation of the National Assembly Standing Committee
7. To consider and approve the proposed appointment or removal of the Prime Minister based on the recommendation of the President of the State;
Rights and responsibilities for decision-making are fundamental issues of the nation
1. Politics and governance:
1.1. To consider and approve issues of security, security, war or peace, and to grant amnesty as proposed by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly;
1.2. To consider and approve the boundaries of the provinces and the capital as proposed by the Prime Minister;
1.3. Consider dissolving the Provincial People’s Assembly in the event that the People’s Assembly has caused significant damage to the interests of the nation and the people;
1.4. Resolve not to trust any or all members of the Government on the proposal of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly or at least one-fourth of the total number of members of the National Assembly as nominees.
2. Socio-economic aspects:
2.1. To consider and approve strategic plans, socio-economic development plans, state budget plans, amendments to the state budget plans and amendments to the public investment plan;
2.2. To consider and approve the basic policies on finance and monetary policy, the adjustment of the budget deficit ratio, the government debt ratio, and the public debt ratio;
2.3. To consider and approve the determination, change, cancellation, abolition of tariffs and taxes;
2.4. Consider and approve national projects, large-scale projects that have an impact on the environment and society;
2.5. To consider and approve the final report on the implementation of the state budget.
3. Organization and personnel:
3.1. Organizational aspects
3.1.1. To consider and approve the organizational structure of the National Assembly, to establish, dissolve, merge, and separate the committees and secretariats of the National Assembly;
3.1.2. To consider and approve the organizational structure of the Government;
3.1.3. To consider and approve the establishment, dissolution, merging and separation of ministries, government agencies equivalent to ministries, provinces, and the capital as proposed by the Prime Minister.
3.2 Personnel aspects
3.2.1. To elect or remove the President, the Vice-President, and the members of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly;
3.2.2. To elect or remove the President and Vice-President on the proposal of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly;
3.2.3. To elect or remove the Prime Minister at the request of the President;
3.2.4. To elect or remove the heads of the Office of the People’s Supreme Prosecutor, the President of the People’s Supreme Court and the President of the State Audit Office at the request of the President;
3.2.5. To consider and approve the appointment, transfer or removal of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman of the Committee and the Secretary of the National Assembly as proposed by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly;
3.2.6. To consider and approve the appointment, transfer or removal of the Deputy Prime Minister and members of the Government upon the proposal of the Prime Minister;
3.2.7. To consider, approve the appointment, transfer or removal of members of the Judiciary Council of the People’s Supreme Court upon the proposal of the President of the People’s Supreme Court;
Rights and responsibilities in the field of monitoring
1. To monitor the implementation of the Constitution, laws, resolutions of the National Assembly, resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, socio-economic development plans, state budget plans, national projects and large-scale projects that have an impact on the environment and society;
2. To monitor the performance of duties of the personnel elected by the National Assembly and the personnel approved by the National Assembly;
3. To monitor the implementation of the resolutions of the National Assembly on the report on the activities and directions of the action plan of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the People’s Supreme Court and the State Audit Organization;
4. To monitor the Provincial People’s Assembly in respecting and implementing the Constitution, laws, resolutions of the National Assembly and resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly;
(Provided in Articles 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13 of the Law on the National Assembly, Revised 2015)